Saul bobble head

Hello everyone a couple of mouths ago I bought a Saul bobble head from breaking bad . 
The night I brought it I noticed my condoms where moved and my Jessie doll was covered in jizz and my Saul bobble head was nodding rapidly.
The next mourning after that I looked at my history and saw toy story xxxxxxxxxx.
One day I was watching fifty shades of grey and he started nodding rapidly again so I turned the computer away from him 
A week later I found him staring at me in my bed and I said " what kind of toy story have you been watching "
I have hidden all my toys in case he rapes them. I also locked my computer but then one night I found Saul and a doll in my sock while you got a friend in me was playing. 
My mom seems to like my bobble head very much so she won't yet me get rid of it. my girlfriend won't yet me either and my dog is afraid of him